I wasn't really familiar with the Matt Walsh oeuvre prior to you bringing him to my attention. One of the big problems with conservative comedians is they just aren't funny. The best liberal comedians and heck the best comedians period can laugh both at the other guy and themselves. Can Matt make us laugh at the foibles of Conservatives too? I'll have to check out Walsh and see if he's the exception to the general rule.

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Have you ever said anything positive about Conservatives Scott?

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Oh, I found an exception. If the Blue Collar Comedy guys are conservative, then Ron White and Bill Engvall are funny as all get out. Larry was funny for about five minutes. Jeff is funny in a way that makes me smile but not really LOL.

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I tell my wife I love her all the time. I was part of a joint venture, a science fiction magazine, with a Conservative Mormon. I loved and respected my Grandad when he was alive. (I still love his memory and my hope is to see him again one day.)

Paul Harvey was the GOAT. There are a bunch of legitimately talented conservative musicians (most of them in country music which I LOVE). I may not love their views, but they make good art generally. There are talented writers and filmmakers who are/were conservative. I don't boycott their books or movies or music.

There are even politicians who I give some respect to even if it's somewhat grudging. McCain seemed like a good conservative. He would have HATED Trump. I respect any Conservative politician who's willing to work with liberals and vice versa.

But anyone who votes for Trump or espouses anything anti-trans or anti-LGBT gets a few red flags. That doesn't mean I cut them off or anything. It's just something I'd try to work through with them.

I suppose off the dome I can think of one comedian who was probably conservative and who was funny and that's Jerry Clower.

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"The way each one communicates is inherently different. One communicates based on facts and data, not caring about your feelings. They want to be known for truth and honesty. They need to be trusted."

I really thought this paragraph was about to end with "The other ones are politicians."

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Lol I had that same thought as I wrote that.

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It's kinda sad that there's so little daylight between them these days.

I remember someone saying, "What does it mean that we listen to politicians for a good laugh and listen to comedians to hear the truth?"

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Comedians have always been purveyors of the truth. Because comedy requires making fun of the absurd it assumes an objective truth with every joke. Which is why liberals can't meme.

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