The world's gonna world...

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I stopped caring about these folks before the pandemic turned them into a parade of fools. Hollywood’s political driven decision making sucks all authenticity out of the room.

Frankly if Loor just put out one authentic weekly comedy show on YouTube it could have enormous impact. And nobody could stop it.

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I never considered the possibility that Colbert didn't actually believe most of the garbage he peddled. I always hated being at my parents' house when they had Colbert on. I take for granted he has little to no actual control of his show when the media apparatus has its marching orders. For me, it's sort of like imagining anyone at MSNBC wants to report the actual news, only the facts. I guess it's technically possible. But by the time they get to that level in their career, how much did they have to sell their principles already? How much virtue or integrity can remain? Thanks be to God that even the most demoralized can be renewed in the inner man to love what is true. Appreciate the article, Marcus.

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He might believe it now but I think with Colbert there's a chance he can at least remember the Christian Worldview he came from and still has a substantial knowledge of. So I think those two worlds are wrestling with him constantly.

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